The Kanye Effect: How One Hip Hop Artist Is Proving Who Really Dominates The Mainstream

Stephanie Alston
2 min readApr 26, 2018

It’s 7:43pm/Eastern Standard Time and Mr. West, Kris Jenner, Yeezys, Make America Great Again, College Dropout, Kanye, Sunken Place and Chance are all trending all because of one person, Kanye West.

Kanye, who is notoriously known for his lyrical content and candid outspokenness has once again proven that black culture drives the mainstream media. Since re-entering the Twitter world, West and his Twitter storms have accounted for more than 50% of the site’s trending topics.

This is not surprising to social media psychologists who recently aided Nielsen in conducting a study that revealed that Black women drive over 50% of trending conversations on the popular platform.

The recent non-calculated tweet storm may not seem so non-calculated to those who have been following the recent moves of Mr. West. In fact, it was recently announced that Kanye, son of the late Dr. and Professor Donda West was working on his newest philosophy bookabout America’s obsession with photos. Perhaps this latest social media out-lash is really a social experiment around his book (remember, West did mention last week that his next book would be written live on Twitter).

Whatever the case may be Kanye is teaching a masterclass on how influential the voices of black artist and consumers are. In fact, in less than 2 weeks Kanye’s Twitter fiasco has led to several think pieces and debates surrounding:

  • Politics
  • Finances
  • Fashion
  • History
  • Police Brutality
  • Venture Funding
  • Mental Health and more!

While many believe that Kanye is experiencing yet another mental breakdown right before our eyes it is still yet to be determined and because I’m not a psychiatrist I refuse to diagnose what I don’t know. One thing we do know is that we are experiencing the Kanye Effect right before our eyes.

Marketers take notes, advertisers listen up, multicultural consumers drive the mainstream.

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Stephanie Alston

Communications Professional, Ghost Writer, Publicist, CEO @BlackGirlGroup. Email me: